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Cultural anthropology masters thesis

Cultural anthropology masters thesis

cultural anthropology masters thesis

THE GUARANTEE OF PRODUCTS’ UNIQUENESS. Our writers (experts, masters, bachelor, and doctorate) write all the papers from scratch and always follow the instructions of the client to the the order Cultural Anthropology Masters Thesis is completed, it is verified that each copy that does not present plagiarism with the latest software to ensure that it is % unique/10() Writing Cultural Anthropology Masters Thesis is a complex skill for every student. Actually, they need it to be in order to successfully go through college. Not only students are intimate to the writing skills a lot of people are also eager to write a good article. In the academic years of the student, [ ]/10() The program consists of 30 points of graduate coursework (10 courses) and an independent thesis. There is flexibility in terms of coursework. Anthropology courses must be taken for 18 of the 30 points (6 courses) while 12 points (4 courses) may be taken in other departments

(PDF) Master Thesis Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology | Loes Lijnders -

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com University of Leiden Master in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, September Supervisor: Drs. Metje Postma Second Reader: Prof. The source of non-photographic images is specified in a caption. Amos Ajak - Listen to My Voice 13 2.

National Anthem of South Sudan 24 3. Emmanuel Jal - Cush 24 4. Vivianna James - Nyacan 50 5. Bye, Bye Sudan [life recording] 52 6.

Isoke, Ikoto and Chahari - Kabasu Lagu 58 7. Dynamq - SPLA Oyee 58 8. Complete references to the songs are given in the specific footnotes. The consecutive audio chapters are fragments from the biographic conversation I recorded with Peter on the 23th cultural anthropology masters thesis July in the University of Juba.

The audio records correspond to the narrative chapters of chapter six, A Biographic Conversation with Peter. Gerry and Peter, much of the words presented in this thesis belong to you. Infinite words of thanks for your animated and intimate involvement, cultural anthropology masters thesis, for your alacrity to experiment and enthusiastic commitment to an interdepend and shared project of which the outcome was unknown.

Thanks for novel bonds and directions. Chol, Jilda, Joel, Taban, Deogracia, Simon, Alex, Joseph, Henry, Cebit, Anyanya and Samuel, I acclaim your openness and perceptivity, cultural anthropology masters thesis.

I sought to present, cultural anthropology masters thesis, re-enact and interpret your voices, ideas and ideals in a conscientious manner and I look forward to continue dialoguing. To friends in Juba, who inaugurated a new nation and started families: Nasir, Butrus, Hiba, cultural anthropology masters thesis, John, Ben, Deng, cultural anthropology masters thesis, Acuil, Nichola, Gongich, Suzan, Sanosi, Esther, Francis, and many others.

Thanks for sharing opinions, cultural anthropology masters thesis, imaginations, emotions, food and friendships. Words of thanks to my cohabitants, cultural anthropology masters thesis, both in Juba and at the Utrechtse Veer for your warmth and distractions. Shukran million mara to the extended Zeccheria family for your affection and unlimited care, and for introducing me to life inside y our neighbourhoods. Atem, thanks for housing me - both physically and emotionally - and for the abundance of sugary teas and late-night motor rides, cultural anthropology masters thesis.

Metje Postma, my ingenious supervisor, I am incredibly indebted to you for your enlightenments and challenging guidance, unfailing and catching confidence and towering dedication. For imagining and conquering mountains. For a sense of equality and reciprocity.

Bedankt lieve Con en Henriette, my concerned but motivating parents, your pressing support, reassurances, parental love and attention - and walks - helped me to finalize, finally. Laurie, my loved and missed twin sister - cultural anthropology masters thesis mirror - once we en countered this first ethnographic process in synchrony, unaware of the estranging effects of cultural anthropology masters thesis intellectual impasse.

I hope we can restore the natural sense of coevalness cultural anthropology masters thesis some physical proximity. And imagine new forms of concurrency, both emotional and intellectual.

A thousand words of recognition, Mandy, for the joint insights, stimulating opinions and novel perspectives. For your ever unearthing words and resonating to-the-point observations.

To Friendship cultural anthropology masters thesis Futures. To friends in Leiden, once united in similar circumstances, now scattered far and beyond: Martijn, Liselotte, Robert, Catherina, Reinout, Leah, Jesse, Denise, Marlon and many others.

I appreciate your patience and confidence and hope for a continuation and deepening of intellectual stimulus and friendships, cultural anthropology masters thesis.

I express my gratitude to the staff of Across, both in Juba, Yei and Nairobi, for the manifold forms of support and attention. Conducting my master research in cooperation with your organisation transformed me, cultural anthropology masters thesis academically and spiritually. I thank Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and Leids Universiteits Fonds for their financial support and partially enabling me to be present in South Sudan during the referendum-period and the declaration of independence.

I feel indebted to the staff of the African Studies Centre Library for the inspirational and stimulating atmosphere and the encouraging words, cultural anthropology masters thesis. This final writing is the product of many years, dialogues - internal and external - and a growing persuasion in dialogue as literary form for ethnographic writing, and progressed in a period when South Sudan established independence through a referendum on self-determination, cultural anthropology masters thesis.

To illustrate how issues of authority and authorship emerged in the process of ethnography - both as an empirical confrontation and a product of writing - I drafted four tableaus. As these tableaus reveal, I swing between abstract formulations and concrete descriptions, cultural anthropology masters thesis a classifying distance and a personal closeness and purpose to retrieve the processual, recursive and accumulative character of the ethnographic process.

Of dialogues between subject and object; theory and empiricism; presence and representation; between shifting intentions and audiences. Of authority and authorship. In the first tableaux I give a short chronology of research and review the intent but insecure search for a voice and individual authorship - both by me and Gerry and Peter, two South Sudanese individuals who perform an integral role in this thesis.

Secondly, I loosely locate issues of authority and authorship in an emerging field of discourses on national advance in South Sudan. The third tableaux shows how theoretical questions of speakability both directed and cultural anthropology masters thesis speaking with as my epistemological and methodological position.

Lastly, I seat myself at the kitchen table of my grandparents and retrace an interest in biographic conversation to the mnemonic dynamics in my family. The epistemological, empirical and theoretical insights and understandings described are inevitably connected to the longevity and intensity of the ethnographic process and the experience of changing ethnographic relationships and multiple stages of departure and return. I first travelled to South Sudan, for a period of four months from March until August This first ethnographic experience resulted in a theoretical process - that was simultaneously an existential voyage - and culminated in a second visit cultural anthropology masters thesis South Sudan from November to Februaryduring the referendum on self-determination.

The second period was followed by another visit to South Sudan to celebrate the inauguration of the independent Republic of South Sudan in July This thesis marks the temporary conclusion of a consuming and thrilling process.

It is who were are. The longevity of the writing process can be imputed to divergent reasons and I believe, hope that my methodological insecurities and theoretical limitations are reflected in this thesis. The reasons for the empirical circumvention are diverse, both intellectual and existential, but can be summarized as an almost suffocating fear for misrepresentation; the prevention of authoritative voicing of which the effect was either non-speaking or a highly pretentious writing ; and the confrontation with perceptions of distance and incomprehensibility.

I do, cultural anthropology masters thesis, for various reasons, recognize myself in the words of Fabian when he, in a straightforward and open manner, discusses the tensions that arise from the intrapersonal experience of unfinished work. My efforts at conscious recognition are manifested in multiple ways and are rooted in a personal and intellectual exertion with the very idea cultural anthropology masters thesis representation as the praxis of anthropology and situated in a complex interlocution and interrelation with individual others - that are both strange and intimately family.

Not-writing, to my understanding, is not just part of an essential process of selectivity and omission, but a conscious attempt to work towards the recognition of each other. I am far removed from the initial questions, motivations and interests that inspired me to conduct my master research in the then autonomous region of Southern Sudan. In the process of researching and writing my individual being and theoretical comprehension and therewith intellectual position changed in drastic and less extreme ways.

In ethnography I found a medium in which I attempted to define myself, existentially, cultural anthropology masters thesis, as an individual within not one, cultural anthropology masters thesis, but multiple empirical realities, and in relation to various intellectual discourses and theoretical-philosophical debates.

Issues of authority and authorship transpire on multiple levels. I examine a diverse and expanding body of communicative interactions, exchanges and observations that I engaged in with Gerry and Peter and explore how we co-constructed a discursive space through ethnography for biography and self-identification.

TABLEAUX TWO: BIRTH AND RE-BIRTH Metaphors of birth and aging are commonly employed in descriptions and contemplations of political processes in South Sudan. Although it cultural anthropology masters thesis highly artificial to separate statements from the interactional context in which they were expressed, or without an essential reference to the individuals who expressed them, the metaphors - and the imagery they evoke - give an animated insight in public perceptions on historicity and temporality.

No… a newly-born baby. YES, Southern Sudan is like a baby born out of two immature and irresponsible parents who have separated after the birth and left the child to die. Southern Sudan walks with an uncertain tread, but he is learning fast, fast.

Soon he will walk on his own. He will RUN, RUN, RUN, in order to catch up with the rest of the world. The birth of the baby refers to the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement CPA on the 9th of January in Nairobi, Kenya. Infant death has been evaded, but the future of the country relies on its fitness for autonomy and independence - an implicit reference to separation.

The process of aging signifies ideas of development and the initiation from adolescence to maturity, and anticipates progress and victory. Jilda complains about the functioning of the SPLM as government; the underdevelopment of the semi-autonomous nation; and about, what she observes as, a politically subordinate relationship with the Republic of Sudan.

The metaphor of birth is gender-specific: in all three examples South Sudan is evidently identified as a man. The classification of the nascent nation as male reflects a conventional gender-division and overall male- dominance. Sharon Hutchinson and Jok Madut Jok84 show how processes of militarization deepened gendered identities and roles. Women have limited cultural anthropology masters thesis to processes of nation-building cultural anthropology masters thesis become excluded, even alienated from the nation and the state see Bubenzer and Stern : women generally procreate the nation, but are not the nation.

The metaphor of marriage has before been used to describe the relationships between regimes in the North and South Sudan. The vocabulary of re- birth and renewal is accompanied by a rhetoric that is replete with words that begin with the prefix re- - re-launch, re-covery, re-mind, re-member, cultural anthropology masters thesis, re-storation - and impresses the idea of inevitable discontinuity and disruption and the possibility of a new beginning.

Hundreds of people have gathered to watch the official announcement of the final results of the referendum in Khartoum via a life-broadcast. Simultaneously, a separate referendum should have been organized in Abyei and popular consultations should have been held in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile to determine the final status of the country. To this day, votes in Abyei, Southern Kordofan cultural anthropology masters thesis Blue Nile have been deferred. In it was difficult to fully comprehend the significance, nor anticipate the outcome of the referendum on self- determination that was scheduled to start on the 9th of January Times interlocked and nostalgia, usually for past sturned to the future, full of anticipation and expectation: a suspended condition in which history had come to an end, but the vision for the future had not materialized.

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cultural anthropology masters thesis

The program consists of 30 points of graduate coursework (10 courses) and an independent thesis. There is flexibility in terms of coursework. Anthropology courses must be taken for 18 of the 30 points (6 courses) while 12 points (4 courses) may be taken in other departments Research in anthropology could be thrilling, particularly if you have many anthropology project ideas. Anthropology studies the evolution of human culture and therefore provides a wide range of anthropology essay topics that spill into history, biology, sociology, etc. Many anthropological research projects borrow from other social sciences Master Thesis Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. Loes Lijnders. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper. Master Thesis Cultural Anthropology and Development blogger.comted Reading Time: 12 mins

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