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Dissertation citation 19th century

Dissertation citation 19th century

dissertation citation 19th century

Jamaican Maroons descend from maroons, Africans who escaped from slavery on the Colony of Jamaica and established communities of Free black people in Jamaica in the mountainous interior, primarily in the eastern blogger.comd Africans who were enslaved during Spanish rule over Jamaica (–) may have been the first to develop such refugee communities Databases A-Z Access online resources including journals, newspapers, data, and multimedia.; Garrett Cartographic History Library Holdings are exceptionally strong in 19th-century printed maps depicting Texas.; Image Reproduction Mediated services offered to students, faculty, staff, and the general public.; UTA ResearchCommons Preserving and showcasing the work of UTA scholars Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state

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Jamaican Maroons descend from maroonsAfricans who escaped from slavery on the Colony of Jamaica and established communities of Free black people in Jamaica in the mountainous interior, primarily in the eastern parishes, dissertation citation 19th century. Escaped Africans who were enslaved during Spanish rule over Jamaica — may have been the first to develop such refugee communities, dissertation citation 19th century.

The English, who invaded the island inexpanded the importation of slaves to support their extensive development of sugar-cane plantations. Africans in Jamaica continually fought and revolted, with many who escaped becoming maroons. The revolts had the effect of disrupting the sugar economy in Jamaica and making it less profitable. The revolts simmered down after the British government signed treaties with the Leeward Maroons in and the Windward Maroons inwhich required them to support the institution of slavery.

The importance of the Maroons to the colonial authorities declined after slavery was abolished in The Windward Maroons and those from the Cockpit Country resisted conquest in the First Maroon War c. Tension between British colonial Governor Alexander Lindsay, 6th Earl of Balcarresand the dissertation citation 19th century of the Leeward Maroons resulted in the Second Maroon War from to Although the governor promised leniency if the maroons surrendered, he later betrayed them and, supported by the Assemblyinsisted on deporting just under Maroons to British settlements in Nova Scotiawhere British slaves who escaped from the United States were also resettled.

The deported Maroons were unhappy with conditions in Canada, and in a majority left, having obtained passage to Freetowneight years after the Sierra Leone Company established it in West Africa in present-day Sierra Leone as a British colony, dissertation citation 19th century, where they formed the Sierra Leone Creole ethnic identity, dissertation citation 19th century. The word " maroon " is derived via French from the Spanish word cimarrónmeaning "wild" or "untamed".

This word usually referred to runaways, castaways, or the shipwrecked; those marooned probably would never return. The origin of the Spanish word cimarrón is unknown. When the English dissertation citation 19th century Jamaica inmost Spanish colonists fled. Many of their slaves escaped and, together with free blacks and mulattoesformer slaves, dissertation citation 19th century, and some native Taíno[9] [10] [11] coalesced into a number of ethnically diverse groups in dissertation citation 19th century Jamaican interior.

Some Spanish Maroons created palenquesor stockaded mountain farms, first at Lluidas Valein modern-day St Catharine Parish, under Juan de Bolas also known as Lubolo. Toward the western end of Cockpit Country were the "Varmahaly or Karmahaly Negroes" under the leadership of Juan de Serras. There were possibly a third group was active in the region of Porusin modern Manchester Parish ; and a fourth in the Blue Mountains.

But, as it became increasingly obvious that the British would hold their conquest, the group run by de Bolas changed its position. Faced with discovery and defeat inde Bolas allied with the English and guided their troops on a raid which resulted in the final expulsion of the Spanish in In exchange, inGovernor Sir Charles Lyttelton, 3rd Baronet signed the first maroon treaty, dissertation citation 19th century, granting de Bolas and his people land on the same terms as English settlers.

While the Maroons belonging to de Bolas disappeared from history, the English authorities failed to subdue the Karmahaly Maroons. The other Maroon groups remained independent in the mountainous interior of Jamaica, dissertation citation 19th century by subsistence farming and periodic raids of plantations.

These initial Maroon groups faded dissertation citation 19th century colonial history records, possibly migrating to more mountainous or remote regions of the interior. Others may have coalesced to form the nucleus of what would later be called the Windward Maroons. In the s and s, in his capacity as an owner of a large slave plantation, former buccaneer and now lieutenant-governor of Jamaica Sir Henry Morgan led three campaigns against the Karmahaly Maroons of de Serras.

Dissertation citation 19th century achieved some success against the Maroons, who withdrew further into the Blue Mountains, where they were able to stay out of the reach of Morgan and his forces. It is possible the Dissertation citation 19th century of de Serras merged with the Windward Maroons. Between and there were several major slave uprisings, mainly prompted by newly arrived, highly militarized Fante or Coromantee groups from Cape Coast and Ashanti Empire.

On 31 Julya rebellion involving slaves from the Sutton estate in Clarendon Parish led to the formation of Jamaica's most stable and best organized Maroon group. Although some were killed, recaptured, dissertation citation 19th century, or surrendered, more thanincluding women and children, remained free after the rebellion ended.

They established an Ashanti -style polity based in the western parts of the Cockpit Countrydissertation citation 19th century, notably Cudjoe's Town Trelawny Town ; the most famous ruler of the Western Maroons was Cudjoe.

They incorporated outsiders only after newcomers had satisfied a strict probationary period. At this time, the leaders who emerged in the Eastern Maroons were Quao and Queen Nanny.

They ordered raids on the Maroon settlements in andto little effect. By abouta stronger Windward community had developed around the culturally Africanised group of three villages known as Nanny Townunder the spiritual leadership of Queen Nannyan Ashanti woman, sometimes in allegiance and sometimes in competition with other Windward groups.

One tactic particular to dissertation citation 19th century Jamaican Dissertation citation 19th century involved the art of camouflage using plants. Her remains are reputedly buried at "Bump Grave" in Moore Townthe main town of the Windward Maroons, who are concentrated in and around the Rio Grande valley in the northeastern parish of Portland.

Queen Nannyalso known as Granny Nanny died c. She has been immortalised in songs and legends. Disturbed by plantation raiding, dissertation citation 19th century, the colonial authorities of Jamaica wanted to eradicate the Maroon communities in order to promote British settlement.

Their strategy, beginning in the s, was to break off lines of communication between the Windward and Leeward Maroons, then first pick off the less organized Windward Maroons. In practice, the Maroon troops' command of the territory and skill in guerrilla warfare gave them a strong advantage over colonial forces.

After much fighting, the British took and destroyed Nanny Town inbut most of the Windward Maroons simply dispersed and formed new settlements. By the mids, warfare was proving costly to Maroons and British alike and was turning into an ongoing stalemate. Cudjoe rejected suggestions of a treaty in andbut by he agreed to parley with John Guthrie. This local planter and militia officer was known to and respected by the Maroons.

This last clause in the treaty caused tension between the Maroons and dissertation citation 19th century enslaved black population, although from time to time runaways from the plantations still found their way into Maroon settlements. In addition, a British superintendent was to be assigned to live in each Maroon town.

In all, about Maroons came to terms with the British authorities through these two treaties. Not all the Maroons accepted the treaties, dissertation citation 19th century.

Rebellions occurred in Maroon communities in the years that followed. After the treaties, the white superintendents appointed by the governors eventually took control of the Maroon towns. InQuao attempted to overthrow Edward Crawford, the new Maroon leader of the Dissertation citation 19th century Maroon town, and in the resulting conflict, Crawford's Town was destroyed. Governor Charles Knowles re-established control over the uprising with dissertation citation 19th century help of dissertation citation 19th century Maroons.

He then ordered that the Maroons of Crawford's Town be resettled in the new, nearby Windward Maroon towns of Charles Town Jamaica and Scott's Hall Jamaica. The Maroon population grew from in to 1, inat a time when both the slave population and the white settler communities were dissertation citation 19th century by disease, dissertation citation 19th century.

In Aprilthe Jamaican government called upon the Maroons to honour their treaties and come to their assistance during the major slave uprising led by the Fante leader, Tacky, in Saint Mary Parish, Jamaica. The Windward Maroons were first to be mobilized. Their intervention at first appeared half-hearted: the Scott's Hall Maroons began by claiming outstanding arrears in bounty, while those Charles Town Maroons at Down's Cove allegedly took cover when attacked by the rebels.

However, the Maroon warriors were employing guerrilla warfare tactics, which contradicted the British military tradition of marching into the oncoming fire. In the end, it was a Scott's Hall Dissertation citation 19th century, Lieutenant Davy the Maroonwho killed Tacky during a skirmish.

The loss of Tacky's leadership essentially ended the initial rebellion. In western Jamaica, Apongo led another slave rebellion, inspired by Tacky's Revolt, which lasted from April to October Cudjoe's well-trained forces were mobilized to help deal with them with some degree of success.

In the years that followed Tacky's rebellion, many Maroon officers such as Samuel Grantallegedly the son of Davy, made a career out of hunting runaway slaves for the colonial authorities. These runaway slaves formed informal maroon communities, modelled along the lines of the official Maroon communities before they came to terms. In the 18th century, Maroons also hunted and killed notorious escaped slaves and their deputies, such as Ancoma, Three Fingered Jack Jamaicaand Dagger.

However, while they were successful in capturing and killing some runaways and their leaders, most members of the runaway maroon communities continued to thrive under new leaders. White superintendents took command of the Maroon towns, and the Maroon officers were relegated to their subordinates. After Tacky's War, dissertation citation 19th century, the governor appointed a dissertation citation 19th century superintendent for each of the five Maroon towns.

These superintendents reported to the Superintendent-General, who in turn reported to the governor. The Superintendents-General of all Maroon towns were as follows:.

The Second Maroon War began in against the background of the British-Jamaican planters panicked by the excesses of the French Revolutionand by the corresponding start of a slave revolt in neighboring Saint-Dominguewhich ended with the independence of Haiti in At the same time, an increasing hunger for land among expanding Maroon communities in Jamaica coincided with several more immediate and proximate causes of grievance among the Maroons of Cudjoe's Town Trelawny Town.

The treaties following the First Maroon War had called for the assignment of a white "superintendent" in each Maroon community. Trelawny Town had objected to the official recently assigned to them and eventually expelled him. Balcarres ignored the advice of local planters, who suggested giving the Maroons some more land in order to avoid conflict.

Instead, the governor demanded that the Maroons surrender unconditionally, provoking a conflict that could have been avoided. The casualties suffered by Fitch and his men were significantly higher than those felt by the Maroons of Trelawny Town. Despite signs that the siege was working, Balcarres grew impatient and sent to Cuba for a hundred hunting dogs and handlers. The reputation of these was so fearsome that their arrival quickly prompted the surrender of the majority of Trelawny forces.

From the s on some Maroons or their descendants returned to Jamaica to work as free labourers, and many of them settled in the village of Flagstaff, dissertation citation 19th century, near the old site of Trelawny Town although some of these returnees resettled in Sierra Leone [57] see Jamaican Maroons in Sierra Leone.

The descendants of the Returned Maroons live in Flagstaff today see Cudjoe's Town Trelawny Town. Those who remained in Sierra Leone formed the new Creole ethnic group of Sierra Leone which established diaspora communities along the West African shores from Sierra Leone to the Gambia to Fernando Pó. Trelawny Town was the largest Maroon town, so the population of Maroons in Jamaica was significantly dented by their deportation.

However, in the nineteenth century the total population of the four remaining Maroon towns grew from in to 1, in One historian argues that this is due to the healthier environment of the Maroon towns. When the colonial authorities deported the Maroons of Trelawny Town, dissertation citation 19th century, they left a void which was filled by communities of runaway slaves.

The Maroons of the smaller town of Accompong were unable to cope with the growing numbers of runaways in western Jamaica, who found refuge in the Cockpit Dissertation citation 19th century. The Accompong Maroons tried but failed in their attempts to disperse the runaway community of Cuffee Jamaicawho established a community of runaway slaves in the Cockpit Country in The maroon community of Me-no-Sen-You-no-Come also resisted attempts by the Accompong Maroons and the colonial militias to disperse them in the s.

A large maroon group of runaway slaves established themselves near Hellshire Beach in southern Jamaica, and it thrived there for years until it was finally dispersed by a party of Windward Maroons in The Maroons played a significant role in helping the colonial authorities to suppress the Samuel Sharpe revolt in —32, dissertation citation 19th century, under the leadership of white superintendents such as Alexander Fyfe Fyffe.

Sharpe's Baptist War persuaded the British government to end the system of slavery, which they did in the years following the rebellion. After that, the colonial authorities had no use for the Maroons, and they passed the Maroon Allotments Act inand abolished the post of superintendent in the s.

Their attempts to break up the Maroon communal land, while partially successful in Charles Town and Scott's Hall, met with Maroon resistance in Accompong Town and Moore Town. After the Second Maroon War, the colonial authorities converted Trelawny Town into a military barracks, and renamed it Maroon Town, Jamaica.

Hybrid linguistic identities in 19th century L'viv. Jan M. Fellerer.

, time: 1:23:17

Jamaican Maroons - Wikipedia

dissertation citation 19th century

Dear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state Aug 12,  · 3, Likes, 39 Comments - William & Mary (@william_and_mary) on Instagram: “Move-In looks a little different this year, and we know there are mixed emotions right now. We want ” Databases A-Z Access online resources including journals, newspapers, data, and multimedia.; Garrett Cartographic History Library Holdings are exceptionally strong in 19th-century printed maps depicting Texas.; Image Reproduction Mediated services offered to students, faculty, staff, and the general public.; UTA ResearchCommons Preserving and showcasing the work of UTA scholars

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